People think I make this story up when I tell it, but here’s some truth for you. Broccoli is one of my favorite foods. During my senior year of college my good friend and roommate at the time actually got me a bag of broccoli florets for Christmas as part of my present. It was part joke but also part seriousness. I bet you’re probably thinking, “Broccoli as a Christmas gift??” Yep! And I was super stoked about it. Just look at all the benefits broccoli provides. You’ll be wanting a bag of broccoli florets as a Christmas present too.

Here are some delicious broccoli recipes I’ve rounded up for you from around the interwebs. Try one out and let me know what you think.
Garlic Broccoli from Joy Filled Eats
Roasted Broccoli and Bacon from The Paleo Way
Curried Cream of Broccoli Soup from Nom Nom Paleo
Broccoli Salad from Every Last Bit
Mongolian Beef Broccoli "Rice" Bowls from Cotter Crunch
What's your favorite broccoli recipe?