All content provided by Real Food Education, through this website, affiliated social media streams, or any other materials is intended to provide helpful, professional advice. I am not a doctor, nor a registered dietitian, therefore any information on this site should not be used in place of a medical provider to diagnose or treat any condition. The information provided herein has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am not regulated, licensed, or certified by any state. However, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioners are fully trained by the Nutritional Therapy Association, which provides a certificate of completion to practitioners who have successfully met all course requirements, including written and practical exams. A license to practice Nutritional Therapy is not required in some states. Laws and regulations regarding certification and licensure requirements vary from state to state. Click here to learn about the FNTP full scope of practice.
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