One of my favorite tests to run on my clients is the Mediator Release Test (MRT), a highly reliable food sensitivity panel. It always amazes me how different everyone's results are. It also helps me to realize that none of us fit a certain mold when it comes to diet and health. We're all bioindividual and we need to eat according to what our bodies can and cannot handle. The MRT food sensitivity panel helps us determine this.
I always say it's better to test than to guess. This is why I recommend doing the MRT food sensitivity panel. This test quantifies your body's inflammatory response to 170 foods and chemicals. Specifically, the MRT looks at diet-induced inflammatory reactions that cause a mediator release from white blood cells. There are quite a few different types of reactions that can cause the release of histamines, cytokines, leukotrienes and prostaglandins from white blood cells. These will all lead to a negative clinical effect. And, because they are diet-induced, they are referred to as food sensitivities. This is different than a true food allergy.
There is a vast array of potential mediators when it comes to diet-induced inflammatory reactions. The MRT tests for all of them. A lot of other food sensitivity panels only test a few. Or they test something completely different, like IgG reactions. IgG mechanisms do not reliably correlate with inflammation or symptoms. This is why I prefer the MRT over all other food sensitivity tests. The MRT can give you insight into inflammation provoking foods and chemicals found in the food supply. It helps to identify which foods are highly reactive and which foods are your best sources of nourishment. You would ideally avoid the highly reactive foods for up to six months. Knowing which foods trigger an inflammatory response in your body helps you to handle adverse food reactions. The idea is that once you eliminate all reactive foods, your symptoms will greatly improve. This allows you to achieve the maximum outcome in the shortest amount of time.
MRT Pros:
faster results
tests food and common food chemicals
measures both innate and adaptive pathways
gives info no other blood test can give
one of the most reliable food sensitivity tests (93.6%, according to studies)
MRT Cons:
margin of error (no food sensitivity test is 100% reliable)
cost ($360-500)
Most insurance companies will not cover the high cost of the MRT. I believe the cost is worth the trouble. It's actually a relatively easy test to do. I send you a kit, you take it to a blood draw facility, then the facility overnights it to the lab. You get your results in about 1-2 weeks. Mine only took 4 days. But I've seen it take up to 10. So it may really just depend on how busy the lab is. Some of my clients have a health savings account (HSA), which they have used to cover the cost. Check with your HSA provider to see if this is an option for you.
The MRT is considered to be the gold standard in food sensitivity testing. So if you want the best results and want to eliminate negative health symptoms with targeted nutritional therapy, test, don't guess! Use the MRT to help you identify your trigger foods. It's not unheard of for foods that are considered healthy to be potential inflammatory triggers. Some people react to foods like kale, broccoli, tea, salmon, etc. So just because a food is considered a "health food", does not mean it's healthy for you.
Once you complete the MRT, we work together to design an eating plan that's right for you based on your specific trigger foods. We also use targeted supplemental therapy to heal and seal your gut so that these foods don't continue to create an inflammatory response in your body for years to come.
Many people have overcome even the most troublesome food sensitivity symptoms in a short amount of time using their MRT results. You don't have to guess and you definitely don't have to suffer any longer. And when we work together, I provide you the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from your test results. It's not cheap, nor is it often easy. But it's worth it.
I'm personally going through this myself. And let me tell you, I really miss tomatoes and cassava. But I feel so much better without them. I know that eliminating these foods for a period of time while using targeted supplementation to heal my gut will allow me to be able to enjoy them again one day without all the symptoms that are associated with me consuming them. So if you would like to enjoy food without experiencing negative health symptoms, get started as soon as possible.